A few folks have commented how pleasantly surprised they were to see the Paris Presentation in the Presentations category of student work. Several were unaware of our Parisian Study Abroad opportunity! Well, if you haven’t seen it, you really must as witnessed through the eyes of our students.

The sites, cultural attractions, food, and The Leo Burnett Agency on Berlin and Paris!

We are also looking for Students to go to Hessen Germany next year. Students need to be an acceptd Graphic Comm major, qualifying GPA and in 2nd or 3rd sem. Contact Denise Schneider. This is the opportunity of a lifetime!


The official reception for the 2012 SDS was held Tuesday Evening (Apr. 24). The event was well attended with a nice size spillover crowd into the Commons area! The delicious food (prepared by the Culinary Arts program) and Beautiful Floral arrangements (Floral Design Program) added to a wonderful and memorable evening.

Please remember that the show will continue to be exhibited until May 3rd (May 4th begins the takedown phase). This website will continue to provide information after the show is officially taken down, and will serve as a virtual gallery for  the pieces until the next show (SDS XV in 2013). We welcome all of our buisness and community partners to check in until then.

HAVE PHOTOS OF THE OPENING NITE FESTIVITIES? Wish to share them on the website? Send them to Peter Pham. Pending review for content, we may post it on this sight.

The 2012 Student Design Show Judges

For each year’s SDS, regional businesses are invited to send representatives to evaluate the work of the Gateway Technical College’s Graphic Communications students. The faculty at Gateway do not participate in judging, except in the tabulation of the votes.

 To see a brief bio for each of the judges, please see the  JUDGES page. 

We thank the judges of this years show, and encourage patronage of their establishments.

This year’s judges include:


Ms. Brianna  Lock
Ms. Lori Svikel
Ms. Jeanette Pham
Mr. Brian Karrer
Mr. Alan Bagg
Mrs. Anna Bauer
Mr. Terry Maraccini
Mr. Jose Montoto
Mr. Randy Rehberg
Ms. Jeani Berndt
and the other professionals who volunteered their time to help judge student work.


Design Show Awards

This year’s Student Design Show awards were PROUDLY MANUFACTURED IN THE USA! …AT GATEWAY TECHNICAL COLLEGE!  Students  in Rich Buhnerkemper ‘s CAD/CAM classes, and Mark Uttech’s welding/plasma cutting classes have been busily at work creating these unique, one-of-a-kind awards.

Thanks to Dean Beverly Frazier, Rich, Mark, and all of their students!

Take a look at the videos below.

2012 Show Promotional Materials

Graphic Communications Students in capstone classes taught by Michelle Quinn and John Mizer generated concepts for this year’s show promotion. Gateway marketing employees, Art Directors from regional design businesses, and district business owners were all solicited for feedback on which concept they  liked best.

While all of the concepts received high praise from the outside judges,  this years Invitation as selected by the impromptu panel was created by Ms. Dulce Velazquez. Dulce’s design will be used to generate posters, mailers, and a promotional video for this years show.

A rough-cut promotional video based on Dulce’s design was also created, and is currently viewable here (see embed below) as well as on YOUTUBE.