GTC Students create NISOD Cover Design Proposals

NISOD, National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development

NISOD provides budget-friendly, high-quality, and faculty-focused programs and resources for community and technical colleges that want to make the most of their professional development dollars. For over 40 years, NISOD has aligned a wide array of benefits with the needs of our members, which explains why the American Association of Community Colleges named NISOD, “The country’s leading provider of professional development for community college faculty, staff, and administrators.”

NISOD invited students at NISOD-member colleges, Including Gateway Technical College, to participate in the Student Graphic Design Contest and design the official Conference Program for NISOD’s 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Leadership Excellence, the definitive gathering of community and technical college faculty, administrators, and staff seeking best and promising practices designed to improve student achievement.

The winning artwork will serve as the front cover of the 2023 International Conference on Teaching and Leadership Excellence conference program.

In the fall of 2021, students enrolled in Design Concepts, led by Instructor, Laura Laznicka and Denise Schneider, Employee Learning Manager participated in NISOD’s Graphic Design Contest. Students conducted research and developed a creative brief to start the project. Objectives were established, strategies outlined and the creative work began. After, several stages of revisions and refinements the projects were ready to be submitted to represent Gateway Technical College.

NISOD received many excellent submissions for this year’s contest. All entries were very inspiring, which made selecting only one winner extremely challenging.

Please, view the NISOD graphic design contest submissions.

We congratulate all the students who participated in the NISOD’s student graphic design contest
and are proud that these students represented Gateway:

  • Samantha Boothroyd
  • Leah Carroll
  • Arianne Clarke
  • Mariah Giffey
  • Eri Jaramilo
  • Kathrine Noble
  • Marissa Reyes
  • Race Thill