GTC Graphic Design ranks with the nation’s TOP DESIGN PROGRAMS, a trusted resource for online degree rankings and higher education planning has announced the top 50 Best Graphic Design Degree Programs for 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.

In 2021 Gateway Technical College moved up to a ranking of #2 (99.15/100) for students with prior credits, and to #1 in online Technical College Graphics! stated that any student that taking one of the ranked programs will give the students much quicker access to employment. With the job market growing in the Graphics field and the accessibility and cost for students is why did this research.

Student Design Show 2025 Identity has been selected

Students in the fall sections of the ADVANCED CLASSES submitted their 2025 GATEWAY TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT-WIDE STUDENT DESIGN SHOW design submissions way back in October and November of 2024.

Members of GTC’s Administration team have helped us each year in the selection of the Show Identity and Direction… and this year’s show identity has been selected.

The DESIGN SHOW has been scheduled to run from May 11 through the 18th, in the Bay Area of the S.C.Johnson iMET CENTER in Sturtevant, Wisconsin.
A gala AWARDS RECEPTION PARTY is scheduled for May 15th, with MUSIC, hors d’oeuvres, open labs, and of course the awarding of our panel selected show category winners.

The DESIGN SELECTED for this year’s design show (the item that received the most ordinal vote points) by the participating administrators was:

Jaden Hinds’ submission that captured color and a metaphor for creativity was selected for the 2025 STUDENT DESIGN SHOW Identity by the voting Administrative staff at GTC.

Cole Garland’s colorful and ‘illuminating’ submission was an extremely close second place entry— only 4 ordinal points separated the first and second place entries.

Jennifer Maldonado’s submission was a close third place. The analogous/ monochrome retro-feel poster illustration capture the idea of “doing.”


Please read the 2025 rules for submission statement sheet before submitting work.

We are calling for submissions to the 2025 Edition of the STUDENT DESIGN SHOW, to be held May 15, 2025 ay the S.C. JOHNSON iMET CENTER (in Sturtevant Wisconsin).

get your work out there and seen!

Students must submit the following work:

  1. A properly prepared Mounted Work (on presentation board, black board, or black foam core) for hanging in the SHOW EXHIBIT SPACE
    as well as

BE SURE TO READ and FOLLOW the submission rules for this year’s show!


This is a link to the FULL PDF DOCUMENT [downloadable as well as embedded] containing the submission rules for students who wish to submit work for the 2025 Student Design Show. Please read and follow the guidelines for work submission. If you have ANY questions, please ask your instructors!

This is a link to the FULL PDF DOCUMENT [downloadable as well as embedded] containing the submission rules for students who wish to submit work for the 2025 Student Design Show. Please read and follow the guidelines for work submission. If you have ANY questions, please ask your instructors!


Another show down… and it’s time for students to arrange work pickup over the summer and into the fall semester. We have the mounted boards, leftover business cards, and Coroplast individual posters. Contact your instructors to find mutual hours before the fall semester, or pickup anytime during the 2024 Fall semester.

Work not claimed by the end of the fall semester will be disposed of.


April 18, 2024, 5:00pm – 8:00pm


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above images courtesy of Sherry Bubel

The 2024 Student Design Show “By-the-Numbers”

from Peter Pham

A few facts about this year’s show:

Every year I process the work for each Student Design Show, I make note of the trends that appear among the submissions each year. Certain work is consistently submitted, while other categories seem to ‘ebb and flow.’

  • Around 190 pieces were submitted this year. [We’ve had in excess of 300 in a very active year with high enrollments]
  • Qualifying student work was to have been created between Spring of 2023 (not previously submitted) through April , 2024.
    It may be selected from student coursework, or from parallel individual practice to coursework.
  • Categories needed to be made up of minimally 5 submissions to remain “competitive.” Where 5 submissions were not received, that category was merged with another similar or like category. (Since the Districtwide Student Design Show began in 1999, we have had anywhere between 7 and 14 categories in a given annual show).
  • This year’s categorical submissions (from MOST submissions in a category to the least) were:  
  2. POSTERS (~15%)
  3. LAYOUT (~14%)
  4. LOGOS and IDENTITY (~11%)
  9. PACKAGING / 3D combined (~7%)
  10. MULTIMEDIA /WEB combined (~4%)
  • Digital Illustration, Layout, and Posters have frequently occupied the top slots, and that trend continued this year. This seems to be what most folks commonly associate with “graphic design” as a practical discipline.
  • Photography “Straight Out Of the Camera”(SOOC) rose a good amount this year. While far from the 2010’s where it held the top slot, it almost doubled last year’s submissions. If we look at all forms of Photography combined, it would be one of the top categories.
  • Logos and Identity had a slight increase.
  • Traditional Illustration media had a slight decrease. This is interesting since it is also associated with what most people would consider a major part of graphic design.
  • We had enough of the COMPREHENSIVE CAMPAIGNS this year to once again offer it as a competitive category.
  • Despite increasing “gig work” available in video and multimedia (and some decent work), many students are still not choosing to enter their multimedia pieces.

Welcome to the 2024 Gateway Technical College Districtwide Student Design Show!

The Website for the 2024 Student Design Show is now live, and student work has been hung in the NORTH BUILDING COMMONS on the Elkhorn Campus for the show launch 4/16/24.

An OPENING RECEPTION and AWARDS CEREMONY is slated for THURSDAY, APRIL 18th , from approximately 5 until 8 pm.
Hors d’oeuvres will be served and the event will feature a LIVE performance by the GEBEL GIRLS.

The event is open to the general public, and the greater business community. Invitations have been extended to area high schools through our outreach employees, and our collegiate and business parters in the region.

To view the 2024 Student work, please look undertake main menu for the STUDENT DESIGN SHOW WORK CATEGORIES.

This year’s show will feature work in ten categories.

You can access the show work by going under THE 2024 STUDENT DESIGN SHOW menu and selecting the area you would like to view.

The 2024 STUDENT DESIGN SHOW area features information about this year’s show identity, and additional student winners for competition work undertaken by the class sections. We also have some information about the entertainment and our faculty.

The GRADUATING SECOND YEAR STUDENT area features the banners and Behance portfolio links for ours Applied Exit Strategy students.

For our 2024 STUDENT WORK (entered into the judging):

COMPREHENSIVE CAMPAIGNS is an area that features multi-component/multi-phased student projects

DIGITAL ILLUSTRATION features illustration work using a variety of digital media.

LAYOUT is an area featuring published items (mostly multiple-pages or panels) with layout as the major skill set

LOGOS & IDENTITY is a combined area featuring Identity Projects, Logo and Mark Development projects, and Stationery-style projects.

MULTIMEDIA / WEB is a combined area featuring timeline-based projects (audio/video/presentations) and any web mockup.

PACKAGING & 3D is a combined area featuring 3-D software related items, 3-D printing, and dimensional packaging projects

PHOTOGRAPHY SOOC (SOC) features photography “straight out of the camera,” with only cropping allowed

PHOTOGRAPHY with POST (PHE) and PHOTO MANIPULATION/COMPOSITES (PHM) is a combined category this year for images with multiple levels of post-processing or manipulation and composites.

POSTERS contains poster-based designs.

TRADITIONAL MEDIA contains illustrations using traditional illustration media (charcoal, pastel, colored pencil, paints, etc.)

We hope you enjoy viewing the work of this year’s students both virtually as well as on campus.


Works by local artist (and GTC Alum) Jason Hedman were on display through March 30 at Kenosha Creative Space, 624 57th St.

Jason Hedman, a lifelong Kenoshan, has been a creator in many different avenues through life. With past dabbling in writing and music, visual art has always been the medium Hedman has embraced time and time again.

In the past few years, Hedman has become well-known throughout the community as an up-and-coming artist. Hedman’s style is always evolving, but tends to reflect his interest in history, society, and pop culture.

Some of his well-known pieces have incorporated other popular icons in new and different ways. Much of his art represents his own anti-authoritarian nature which he has finally found a safe (and legal) path to cast his interests.

This past winter, Hedman has experimented with collage art – mixed media with acrylics on canvas. This style shift is partly in response to the growing trend of artificial intelligence. With an interest in history, Hedman dove into collecting a large supply of newspapers and magazines dating back almost 100 years.

Check out Jason’s FACEBOOK PAGE , INSTAGRAM, and LINKED-IN Profile.